1 October, 2016 /
Home sweet home

Auge Design is proud to announce the opening of the new Florence office location at Palazzo Capponi, located on Via Gino Capponi #26.

Construction took place in 1702-1717 using designs by Carlo Fontana, and completed by Alessandro Cecchini. In 1788 the palace was inherited by Pier Roberto Capponi and later his son, Gino Capponi, a 19th-century Italian statesman and historian.

The interior has a theatrical entry staircase in pietra serena with a ceiling frescoed with an Allegory of Triumph. The well has a grotto-like fountain with nymph statues. Among the painters here and in the rooms were Matteo Bonechi, Atanasio Bimbacci, Giovanni Cinqui, and Giovanni Camillo Sagrestani. The palace has a small private garden.

Tanta roba.